The Student Success Program

The student success program focuses on the development of a detailed student success plan to assist students to take responsibility for their school work, activities and time. For me it is a privilege to have the opportunity to work with so many students and their families.

Student's Coaching & Mentoring

This approach is tailored individually and the outcomes are based on a student’s own needs and learning requirements.

1. Goal Setting
2. Mindset & Motivation
3. Personal Space
4. Study Space
5. Locker & Backpack Organization
6. Paper & Electronic Management of School Work and Materials
7. Planning/Calendar – Routines
8. Time Management &. Tracking
9. Homework and Assignment Strategies
10. Study Skills – Understanding the Learning / Study Cycle, Note Taking, Study / Revision and Preparing for Tests and Exams.

Naturally no two students are the same and the student success plan will identify the key focus points for each student some may need to focus on all of the above areas whilst others may only need to focus on a few.
This program is designed for students from Year 7-12 (though I do work with primary school aged students too) and is suitable for all students including those with special needs and learning difficulties such as Executive Function, ADHD, Asperger’s and Autism. These students in particular often need to learn new skills/develop systems & routines and transform them into habits so they can execute them themselves in time.

Key outcomes of the program include:

  • equipping students with their own tool kit and strategies they can use to assist them at school and in life
  • developing a list of goals and habits allowing students to have a clear understanding of what they want to change to improve their academic success
  • being more organized and motivated with better systems and processes in place to maximize their success
  • being more effective with their time – therefore being able to achieve their homework and study deadlines with decreased stress & anxiety
  • having organized systems to support their everyday learning and organization
  • learning how to plan and prioritize effectively
  • a space that works for them to maximize comfort and success
  • learning to deal with procrastination and distractions
  • develop better study routines
  • being more organized with effective notes and study/revision strategies
  • interacting with teachers in an effective and successful way as needed – increased self-advocacy skills
  • successfully prepare for tests and exams, instead of cramming at the last minute
  • teach students all the necessary skills so they can do them independently, as well as take control and be in charge of their own learning
  • establishing a balance between their academic lives and extra curricular activities.
  • What your child can expect from this program:

  • more likely to succeed at school and in life by planning and taking action
  • develop independent problem-solving skills
  • be happier and more confident
  • greater motivation and being more in control of their time
  • experience less stress, anxiety and feel less overwhelmed.

  • When students feel successful, they usually put in more effort, try harder, enjoy what they do more and succeed at school.


    Our experience tells us that one or two sessions are usually not enough to see a change in habits. The focus of this program is on sustained long-term change and building success. All sessions are an opportunity for the student to share success, concerns and struggles as well as learn strategies to assist them in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.
    A tailored program is put into place and sometimes the sessions are weekly or fortnightly or more spaced out as agreed with each student and their parents. Overall it is about equipping students with more tools in their tool box to assist them to meet their goals.
    In my experience, junior students usually need more regular sessions where as senior students usually need an average of 4-6 to teach them the necessary skills, tools and strategies. From there we might get together prior to and after exams and sometimes just to check in, maybe once a term to see they are on track.

    All sessions run for 30 minutes or 1 hour and are conducted virtually so students can be located anywhere around the country or overseas. In our experience, virtual sessions these days are as good as face to face sessions due to the technology available with the use of zoom and screen sharing. The sessions are very interactive and students are encouraged to be involved.
    A student session typically includes:

  • a catch up/check in – discussion around how the student is going at school and what they have been up to at both school and in life. Their is a focus on their key challenges and successes too.
  • review of habits/actions and how they are tracking – from the outset a student determines the habits they wish to change and for some students at each session we track these using a habits graph and have a discussion on how they are following through or not and what is or isn’t working for them.
  • discussion around developing or strengthening skills – we discuss what skills, strategies or tools they need to learn or build upon to assist them at that particular point in time.
  • agree on action items – at the end of each session we finish with a review of action items the student needs to commit to between now and the next session.